No contact with Keybox

You might face a situation where changes made in Keywin 5 is not registered in the cabinet, or events in the cabinet is not shown in the event log in Keywin 5.

The most likely reason is that network is down or the synchronization service has shut down. (see separate article regarding synchronization service troubleshooting)

To determine if the issue is network or synchronization service you can go to Keywin 5 -> Tab settings->Cabinet->highlight the cabinet in question->press the pen symbol. (see image)

If you see an error message reading "unable to make contact with the cabinet!" you need to control the network and the cabinets network settings.

To check the cabinet settings:

1. Log in to  the cabinet with your admin code

2. Make sure DHCP is set to OFF if you are using a set IP address

3. Make sure IP address given to the cabinet is the same as in Keywin 5 

4. Make sure gateway is correct  

5. Make sure netmask is correct

6. If you need to make any changes in the settings above, make sure to re-boot the cabinet to make the changes stick.   

 If all settings check out to be okay, you need to start troubleshooting your network and cables, contact your IT department for assistance and explain what IP address you need to be able to reach 


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