Keywin 6 - Online and Offline


KeyWin6 is developed to be a WEB-hosted product and a great benefit is that the web application can be accessed from any PC, Mac, and worldwide. This will give you a great flexibility and a more modern touch of the administration of your system.

The updates of the web application will be done automatically as soon as a new version is available. In case there is a new firmware version available for the Simcom, it can also be updated online. Creone would then send out information to all customers using KeyWin6 and partners, that a new version is available. A date and time for the updated will be arranged. This we do to secure that the update will go smooth and is done in the less busy time for the customer. By the automatic updates, we aim that all customers always using the latest version and that we can save time for you which you previously spent on updates.


We also know that some companies have strict IT and Security-policies and won’t allow any hosted or online solutions. KeyWin6 can, of course, be installed as an offline solution but Creone needs to assist and complete the offline installation together with the IT department of the customer.

Updates for offline-customers needs to be done manually and not as frequent as the online-updates.

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